To access the electronic resources it is necessary to be recognized as an authorized user, from within the Institute through the WiFi network and from outside through the OpenAthens service.
A short tutorial on using OpenAthens in Italian is available here.
The resources (databases and electronic magazines) available through the OpenAthens service are marked with the logo.
We remind you that it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the consultation of electronic databases and periodicals takes place only for research, study and teaching purposes; any use for profit or commercial purposes is prohibited. No economic activities can be carried out in competition with the publisher (resale of information contents).
The databases offered by the Institute contain both full-text documents, such as articles and monographs, as well as bibliographic information, abstracts, and citations.
Once having obtained the bibliographic references of a journal or a single article, it is possible to verify the presence of the full-text copy through the “online periodicals” page.
The interface of each database varies according to the query software used, but the methodology of use and the research tools remain almost identical.
Through the "advanced search" interface it is possible to use the Boolean, search and thesauri operators, many useful for refining the search and finding more information useful to one's study.
The Boolean Operators are "the main instrument" to successfully navigate within an electronic archive. In fact the logical operators allow to combine in different ways more concepts in the same research.
There are several other operators, not always usable in all databases, but very useful for refining some research fields.
Copyright Pontifical Oriental Institute 2019